My biggest fashion disaster while on a date? That takes some digging into the old memory bank. There are either two reasons that I, Off the Market Girl that I am, can't remember:
1-Because it's so awful that I have blocked it from my memory altogether.
2-Because I haven't let myself date around enough to rack up enough moments for such a disaster to occur!
Despite my tendency to be a casual dresser rather than a fashionista (hey, I'm working on it!), my educated guess is that reason #2 is the most likely culprit.
In truth, I just haven't been on many dates other than dinner or drinks with someone I was already in a relationship with. Let's face it. In college, dating consists of "hanging" out and in my school, we did most of our hanging out in comfy jeans and sorority t-shirts. I think I've only been on a few outings since and again, with guys I more or less was official with. Kinda sad? I think so if for no other reason that dating, in all of its glory, good and bad, is a confidence builder. At the best, dating results in excitement, anticipation, chemistry, and potential. At their worst? Hopefully, a decent meal which in my foodie mind, can never make for a bad day.
Can you tell I'm wishing for some action here? Being Off the Market & In the Moment is not as easy as it looks!
Before I start a "woe is me" rant, back to the question at hand. Because really, with the right guy, does fashion even make or break you? I've had some of my best--and longest, for that matter--dates after getting stuck in torrential downpours (oh, the irony of Cupid...) when I had hair plastered to my head and rain boots were the only foot attire I felt comfortable leaving the apartment in. Frankly, a bad weather date is not worth sacrificing a good pair of shoes for!
So while there's something to be said for looking and feeling you're best, I salute those of you with horrible, no good fashion disasters. You're out there getting some battle scars, but I hope you're proud of yourselves regardless of whether your Spanx gets stuck in your tights, you sweat through your silk, or you have a bra malfunction (though I do think that would be the worse of the three as a well-endowed woman myself).
You're a survivor!
I'm Off the Market & In the Moment!